Friday, January 11, 2008

Dog Town, on National Geographic.

Normally my Friday night television consists of Dog Whisperer. New and repeats alike they are all great. Tonight a new show is premiering called DogTown. It is about a "No-Kill" shelter in Arizona that goes out of their way to rescue and facilitate the rehabilitation of sick, stray, abused, and aggressive dogs. It is great to see shelters of this sort becoming more and more popular. Not to say that the city shelters don't give it their best effort but the bottom line is animals in city and county shelters end up being put to sleep because the funds are lacking and the space available eventually runs out. Back on point, there is a local shelter in the DFW area called operation kindness that I have volunteered for twice. It is also a "No-Kill" shelter. It is a very well funded, built, and maintained shelter. It is fairly new, and large but nothing that would warrant a television show being plotted around it. Or so I thought. If I had all the money in the world I would open the largest "No-Kill" shelter anyone could dream up. Until then I'll have to donate and help as much as I can in other ways, but knowing that the effort is growing is enough to keep hope alive that someday every stray animal in the world may find a home.